華信光電將參加日本國際雷射加工技術展 Photonix 2016, 歡迎您的來訪!!
【Ocean Consortium: Adding Dimensions to Earth and Ocean Research】
時 間:2021/02/02 (星期二),
地 點:Lecture room 2F, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
主 辦:中研院地球所、中研院環變中心
會議議程 :請見附件
*All talks are given in Chinese.
* Registration at https://forms.gle/3UKRacUt4Y5q3zcq8 or visit IES website.
* Please fill the health declaration form (download from the above link) beforehand and turn it in at the entrance
to help expedite the entrance procedure; on-site service is also provided.
* No snacks; no lunch box; Lunch in the Breeze food court 1 minute away is recommended.