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Faculty Position in Earth Sciences at National Taiwan Normal University
The Department of Earth Sciences at National Taiwan Normal University invites applications for one faculty position in Astronomy, Atmospheric Science, Geology, Geophysics, or Oceanography starting in the August of 2014. The position is expected to be at the Assistant Professor level, but a higher level appointment may be considered for exceptionally qualified candidates.
Candidates in all the above-mentioned disciplines will be considered. However, candidates for the Astronomy discipline will be considered in the field of radio and infrared astronomy (with ample experience in interferometry), astrobiology, minor Solar-System bodies, planetary science, and in comparative planetology. Candidates for the Geology discipline will be considered in the field of metamorphic petrology with expertise using analytical (i.e. ICP-MS or electron microprobe) and modeling techniques. For the Geophysics discipline, applicants with research interests across the full range of disciplines of theoretical and applied geophysics are invited. However, preference will be given to candidates specializing in inverse theory, earthquake engineering, and field methods.
The appointees should have a demonstrated record in research and a commitment to excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching. It is expected that the candidate will have a Ph.D. in Astronomy, Atmospheric Science, Geology, Geophysics, or Oceanography at the time of the appointment with preference given to those with post-doctoral experience and whose interests, abilities, and experience benefit our existing programs.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, a current CV, a publication list, a description of how your future research and teaching will contribute to the overall goals of the department, a (photo) copy of doctorate diploma, and arrange three letters of reference directly sent to:
Dr. Horng-sheng Mii, Chair of the Department of Earth Sciences,
National Taiwan Normal University,
No. 88, Sec. 4 Ting-Chou Road, Taipei 11677,
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Complete applications should be received by Feb. 17, 2014 for full consideration.
Inquiries can be directed to Ms. Grace Lin (grand@ntnu.edu.tw, esadmin@deps.ntnu.edu.tw), Telephone: +886-2-7734-6375, Fax: +886-2-2933-3315.
For more information, please visit department’s website at http://www.es.ntnu.edu.tw/