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Post-doctoral researcher position in land surface process modeling__ Institute of Oceanography and H

Post-doctoral researcher position in land surface process modeling
We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher in land surface process modeling to study: (1) dynamics of land use and land-cover change and (2) climate interactions and land management.
The candidate will conduct research as part of NCU’s involvement in the CWB (Central Weather Bureau) P7 Project research program and NCU-LSCE collaboration. The candidate will be responsible for land surface model development, verification, and applications. Energy fluxes of urban, forests and pastureland will be tracked from various land-cover change scenarios. The position is available for at least 24 months with a potential extension of up to 48 months. The successful candidate will merge and test CWB Global Forecast Model outputs and prepare land surface model offline simulations. Research duties include literature study, data processing, land surface model development, model validation, participation in scientific conferences and publication in peer reviewed international journals. The successful candidates will be encouraged to generate external funding in her/his area and as such contribute to further establishing the team.
Qualifications: we are seeking for highly motivated individuals with a Ph.D. and broad interest in natural sciences, more specifically, hydrology (reginal water resource vulnerability, drought), climatology (boundary layer, albedo, roughness length, cloud formation) and their interactions. Rather than for a specific training, we are looking for a candidate who is able to demonstrate her/his ability to publish peer-reviewed papers and communicate in English. Priority will be given to candidates who can demonstrate experiences in programming, statistical analysis and manipulating large data sets. Of special relevance is proven ability to be dynamic, creative, open and work collaboratively with a team of scientists in NCU, Taiwan and LSCE, France.
Application: All applications and inquiries should be sent to Professor
                      Ming-Hsu Li ( and Dr. Yi-Ying Chen (

In your cover letter, please include a curriculum vita, a statement of research expertise and future perspective, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of three referees. Position is available immediately and will remain open until filled.