地點:中研院人文館南棟三樓第二會議室(2nd Meeting Room, 3F of South Wing, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica)
氣候變遷研究聯盟 (CCliCS) 是由國科會 (現科技部) 補助的整合型研究計畫,其中一個主要目標為開發國內氣候模式的建構能力,發展可自行研發修改的模式群組,包含地球系統模式與高解析度全球大氣模式。以美國 國家大氣研究中心 (NCAR) 的 Community Earth System Model (CESM) 為基礎,CCliCS 的研究人員建置了台灣地球系統模式 (TaiESM),用於基礎氣候科學研究及未來氣候推估。CCliCS 也引進了美國地球物理流體力學實驗室 (GFDL) 的高解析度大氣模式 (HiRAM),可進行氣候現狀與未來變遷的時段切片模擬。
此次 2016 CCliCS 地球系統模擬研習會將由 CCliCS 的研究人員與合作者報告 TaiESM 的發展現狀,探討模式中各個物理過程對氣候模擬的影響,並分析 TaiESM 與 HiRAM 所模擬之氣候變遷與變異。此次會議亦邀請世界各重要氣候研究中心的科學家來台交流,分享地球系統模式的發展經驗與現狀。
CCliCS (Consortium for Climate Change Study) is a research project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan. Its primary goal is to build the capability and capacity of climate modeling in Taiwan, including a global Earth system model and high-resolution global climate model. CCliCS has developed the Taiwan Earth System Model (TaiESM) by substantially modified several physical processes in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) from National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The High Resolution Atmospheric Model (HiRAM) from Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) is also adopted for time-slice climate simulations and projections.
The 2016 CCliCS Workshop on Earth System Modeling is to present the works of climate modeling by the CCliCS team and collaborators, including the impacts of the new physical parameterizations, climate variability analyses, and future climate projections. Scientists from several climate research centers are invited to share their experience and expertise in model development and diagnostics.
Please kindly register the workshop via the following webpage before 9/30(Fri):register web
You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions or concerns: cclics.as@gmail.com
相關訊息請參考活動網頁 : http://cclics.rcec.sinica.edu.tw/index.php/alliances/courses-and-seminars/891-2016-cclics-workshop-on-earth-system-modeling.html