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『Call for paper』
International International Conference on MCSs and High-Impact ather and Climate in East Asia (ICMCS-VII)
【Date】11-13 November 2009
【Place】Seoul, Korea
【Contact 1】Prof. Seon K. Park
Severe Storm Research Center (SSRC)
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
E-mail: icmcs7@gmail.com
Tel: +82-2-3277-3331; Fax: +82-2-3277-3275
【Contact 2】Prof. Gyuwon Lee
Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences
Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
E-mail: gyuwon@knu.ac.kr
Tel: +82-53-950-6361; Fax: +82-53-950-6359