Dear all:
觀測地震學的基礎長久以來建立在地震儀器所觀測之地動資料,少部分貢獻來自全球導航衛星系統GNSS之大地測量資料、以及應變儀所觀測之地殼應變量,然而當地震、海洋、大氣搖晃大地時,除了地平移運動,還包含地旋轉運動,這也呼應了基礎力學提到在無限小應變的假設下,要完整描述彈性體的運動,需要三分量平移、三分量旋轉、以及六分量應變。有鑑於此,地旋轉觀測在這十年內積極發展,旋轉地震學亦在近年來成為地震學範疇中一新興的研究學門,而國際旋轉地震學工作小組(International Working Group on Rotational Seismology, IWGoRS)也相應而生。
我們也分享由地球所團隊(黃柏壽、戚務正、電子室),於南澳地區在2018/02花蓮地震期間,所觀測之寬頻與地旋轉連續資料(6 components),期盼由台灣學界帶來更多研究成果。
(連結包含:rotation seismology最新成果、地旋轉的座標定義、南澳資料6C資料)
黃柏壽、林欽仁、梁文宗 敬上
Dear Colleagues,
It is a pleasure to announce the 5th meeting of the International Working Group on Rotational Seismology (IWGoRS) to be held at the Teacher's Hostel, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, from September 22-26, 2019. Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica (IES) will be the local host.
The workshop will cover on all aspects of rotational seismology including (but not limited to):
+instrumentation (portable sensors, ring lasers, tilt correction, etc)
+observation of rotations (application domains, best practices)
+array seismology (gradients, strains, rotations)
+data processing, wavefield interpolation, phase separation
+earthquake physics
+volcano seismology
+ocean-bottom observations
+earthquake engineering
+seismic inverse problems
* Important Dates:
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 2019/4/15
Notify Authors of Accepted Abstracts: 2019/5/1
Registration Payment:
Open: 2019/6/10
Early bird: 2019/7/15
Final: 2019/8/15
Accommodation at the spectacular venue is limited. We therefore encourage early registration. The registration deadline is August 15, 2019.
*Note that before this IWGoRS workshop, there will be a conference, the International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Mw7.6 Chi-Chi Earthquake, to be held on September 15-19, Taipei, Taiwan. Please find more information on this link
Kind Regards
Bor-Shouh Huang, Chin-Jen Lin, Wen-Tzong, Liang, for the Local Organizing Committee