華信光電將參加日本國際雷射加工技術展 Photonix 2016, 歡迎您的來訪!!
國立中央大學 地球科學學院 大氣科學學系
主 講 Speaker : Dr. Yi-Hsuan Chen(陳毅軒 博士)
Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering (CLaSP) The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, USA
講 題 Title : Influences of Surface Spectral Emissivity and Cloud Longwave Scattering on Climate Simulations
時 間 Date&Time : January 9, 2020(Thursday) 10:00~12:00 (Including Discussion & 求學心得座談)
地 點 Location : 科學二館 S1-713 S1-713, Science Building 2