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序號 刊名 Impact Factor (2020) 出版社/ISSN
1 Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 12.81 Annual Reviews / 0084-6597
2 Atmospheric Environment 4.798 Elsevier / 1352-2310
3 Computers & Geosciences 3.372 Elsevier / 0098-3004
4 Earth and Planetary Science Letters 5.255 Elsevier / 0012-821X
5 Earth-Science Reviews 12.413 Elsevier / 0012-8252
6 Environmental and Engineering Geoscience 0.736 (AEG) and (GSA) / 1078-7275
7 Environmental Earth Sciences 2.784 Springer / 1866-6299
8 Geology 5.399 Geological Society Of America / 1943-2682
9 Geomorphology 4.139 Elsevier/0169-555X
10 Geophysical Research Letters 4.72 American Geophysical Union / 1944-8007
11 GPS Solutions 4.066 Springer / 1521-1886
12 GSA(OA) 3.19 Geological Society Of America / 1943-2690
13 International Journal of Climatology 4.069 John Wiley & Sons Ltd / 1097-0088
14 Journal of Foraminiferal Research 1.222 GeoScienceWorld / 0096-1191
15 Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 4.261 American Geophysical Union / 2169-8996
16 Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 3.405 American Geophysical Union / 2169-9291
17 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 3.848 American Geophysical Union / 2169-9356
18 Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 2.811 American Geophysical Union / 2169-9402
19 Marine and Petroleum Geology 4.348 Elsevier/0264-8172
20 Physics of Fluids (1994-present) 3.521 American Institute of Physics / 1089-7666
21 Physics of Plasmas (1994-present) 2.023 American Institute of Physics / 1089-7674
22 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 2.261 Elsevier / 0031-9201
23 Pure and Applied Geophysics 2.335 Springer / 1420-9136
24 Remote Sensing of Environment 10.164 Elsevier / 0034-4257
25 Reviews of Geophysics 22 American Geophysical Union / 1944-9208
26 Surveys in Geophysics 6.673 Springer / 1573-0956
27 Tectonophysics 3.933 Elsevier / 0040-1951
28 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1.85 AIP Publishing LLC /1520-8524
29 Water Resources Research 5.24 American Geophysical Union / 1944-7973
30 Atmosphereic research 5.5 Elsevier / 0169-8095