曾子榜博士專業領域是衛星精密軌道計算,衛星時鐘校正及衛星定位資料處理。目前在國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系任教。曾博士主持過我國福衛三號與福衛七號低軌衛星任務的軌道求定研究計畫,熟稔完整精密軌道核心計算之流程。此外,曾博士研究非保守力對 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) 衛星軌道誤差的影響,研究非保守力對衛星軌道的影響為 International GNSS Service (IGS) 發展的重點之一。曾博士的專長可被應用於定位(Positioning),導航(Navigation)與授時(Timing)。
曾開治 助理教授
Kai-Chih Tseng is an assistant professor at Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University working on the predictability and future projections of extreme weather from a dynamical system perspective. He is also interested in numerical modeling (e.g., GPU dynamical core, a.k.a. making climate models simpler and go faster), artificial intelligence (e.g., Deep Learning) and statistical method. Kai-Chih Tseng got his PhD in June 2019 from Colorado State University, where his advisors were Dr. Elizabeth Barnes and Dr. Eric Maloney. After his Ph.D., he worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University and NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.